About the SSN 777 Club
In July 2016, the Commanding Officer, the Chief of the Boat, and four crew members of the USS North Carolina SSN 777, nicknamed the “Tarheel Boat,” visited North Carolina to promote on-going ties between the SSN 777 and its namesake state. In meetings with civic leaders and friends of the Navy in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and Wilmington, Commander Gary Montalvo expressed appreciation on behalf of the crew for the state's support and spoke of the importance of maintaining a strong bond between the Boat and its namesake state.
As a result of that visit, the SSN 777 Club formed to support the crew and families of the 777 in a consistent and purposeful manner. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the home-port of the 777, is far away. The SSN 777 Club wants to insure that there remains a proud and vibrant relationship between the citizens of North Carolina and our namesake nuclear-powered submarine.

At the historic USS North Carolina battleship (BB-55) moored in Wilmington.

The remains of NC's lost soldiers of the first submarine to sink an enemy ship in combat, the CSS H. L. Hunley.

Visiting the Kidzu Museum in Chapel Hill

At the historic USS North Carolina battleship (BB-55) moored in Wilmington.
Photo Gallery: 2016 Namesake visit
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