Captain & Crew of USS North Carolina will visit their name-sake state from October 23–27
We're excited to announce that during the week of October 23–27, 2017, Commander Matt Lewis USN and four members of the USS North Carolina SSN 777 crew will visit our Tarheel state.
Their itinerary includes: meetings with three classes of high school STEM Education students; formal welcomes by our Governor and Lt. Governor; a day in Wilmington to connect with the BB55, the Battleship North Carolina; and luncheons where the general public is invited to meet the 777 representatives (see below).
How Can You Help?
Join the informal luncheon at the Executive Mansion in Raleigh on Wednesday, 10/25, from noon–1:30 pm. It's a privilege to be offered such a grand facility, and guests are welcomed. However, spaces are limited so registration is required. More details and registration is available online here:
Join a casual luncheon at the Top of The Hill Restaurant and Brewery in Chapel Hill on Friday, 10/27, from noon–1:30 pm. Once again, our West Point friend, Scott Maitland, and his own crew make every effort to make all feel welcomed at a buffet in the splendid Great Room overlooking Franklin Street. Guests are welcomed; however, spaces are limited so registration is required. More details and registration is available online here:
Make a donation to the SSN 777 Club, whose sole purpose is to support the crew of the USS North Carolina. We’ve just begun our second year as a qualified 501(c)3 non-profit entity (your donation is tax deductible). Although in our first year our donations equaled our target, we’ve supplied more items to the crew than forecasted. These items included 75 farewell plaques made from original teak of the Battleship North Carolina, Carolina Blue Phys Ed shirts and 77 tickets to last November’s UNC at University of Hawaii basketball game held in Honolulu. Please know that every donation matters and every amount is appreciated. SSN 777 Club Donation Page:
Please pass this information to others whom you know may be interested in showing their support for those who make it their business to preserve our freedoms. Please contact me if you’d like additional information.